Throughout this tutorial, you will learn how to create resize image functionality in the Laravel 8 application.

Laravel 8 resizes the image before the upload is the primary topic that has been asked by many novice developers. Fret not; in this tutorial, we will help you understand the entire concept of laravel 8 generate thumbnail images without putting extra effort to resize and upload images in the laravel 8 project.

Laravel 8 Image Intervention example will also be explained in this step-by-step guide. You will learn to use the intervention/image package for resizing the image in laravel; this will also help you clear the doubts about resizing the image in laravel.

Intervention package follows the FIG standard PSR-2 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP code; this Image library is a powerful open-source PHP image handling and manipulation package.

It offers facile and meaningful methods to create, edit, and compose images and currently supports the two most common image processing libraries GD Library and Imagick. It allows you to control PHP image manipulating easier; not just that, you can also create image thumbnails, watermarks, or format large image files.

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How to Create Resize Image Functionality in Laravel 8
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