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If you are here, you know what you are doing, so let’s cut to the chase.

Never push broken code to main or master. Always use a branch to tweak and test your code.

Do you know how annoying it is to clone a repo and it fails to run on the first try? It is such a mood breaker. Some people keep pushing to master or the main branch even though they have not tested the code tweak properly. Don’t be those people.

You can create a branch from the master should you need to change the code. For example, name your branch john_tweak.

git branch john_tweak

Don’t forget to check out your newly created branch.

git checkout john_tweak

Now you can modify/add/commit your code however you want.

Once the code is done and properly tested, you can merge john_tweak with master branch. You will have some conflicts if the master branch is edited. Resolve them, and then you can push.

git checkout master
git merge john_tweak
git push origin master

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4 Git Pro Tips You Should Start Doing
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