Microsoft Azure DevOps: Beginner's guide for 2021

what is Azure DevOps?

Well, to start with, Let us understand DevOps. DevOps is the combination of development and IT operations as the name suggests. It supports a culture and a set of practices used for software development process where project managers, developers and contributors unite and collaborate.
It helps in creating the products faster and efficiently with fewer errors or none.

Azure DevOps is the platform given by Microsoft, that provides developer services on cloud as well as on-premises.These services support to plan work,code development and build and deploy applications.

Is it worth learning Azure DevOps?

Yes, definitely it is worth learning and getting certification in Azure DevOps for multiple reasons.The training for beginners as well as professionals is provided by various training institutes.

Some of the certifications are, Azure administrator, Azure developer, microsoft Azure fundamentals, Azure solution architect, Azure DevOps Engineer AZ-400 Certification, and many more.

Azure DevOps provides some integrated features/services which can be used together in a suite or individually as per the requirement of the project. Each component has different purpose to perform.

The integrated services of Azure DevOps are:

1.Azure Boards- Provides a suite of agile tools for planning work,tracking, locating code defects, and issues.

2.Azure pipelines-Provides build and release services for continuous integration and delivery

3.Azure Repos- Provides Git repositories for source control of the code.

4.Azure Artifacts- It allows sharing of packages by integrating package sharing into pipelines

5.Azure test plans- It provide different tools to test by continuous testing.

Azure DevOps can also be integrated well with other popular services such as Slack, Campfire, Trello, and various GitHub repositories.

Azure DevOps are used most often due to following advantages:

1.Quick set-up

2.maintenance free operations with fewer defects/issues

3.Elastic scale

4.Solid security

5.Easy collaborations and good communication

6.Faster and continuous delivery of software

7.Increased productivity and innovations

8.Employee engagements is higher

9.More opportunities for development of professionals

10.Improved operative environment

Microsoft Azure DevOps is a boon to the developers and project managers across IT industry due to its benefits and success rate. This is giving more freedom and flexibility to the developers to innovate more.

If you are planning to explore Azure DevOps career, then it has lots of roles to offer if you are trained and certified. Organizations are in search of candidates who are Azure DevOps certified. This trend is not going to end soon as it is still developing and flourishing.

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