Xamarin.Forms Shell introduced route based navigation to Xamarin.Forms applications to easily navigate through applications and also pass data through query properties. Sometimes in your application it is not always about navigating forward to pages, but it is about navigating backwards when your users perform an action. Another reason you may have to navigate backwards through the app is when you are using modal pages and there is no physical back button such as on an iPhone. So, let’s see how easy it is to enable this functionality in your app.

Xamarin.Forms Shell Back Navigation

With the launch of Xamarin.Forms 4.6 came a brand new way to navigate backwards and can be combined with query properties. To navigate backwards you can use the same navigation patterns you are used to in terminal or the command line with ... That is right, just use .. and a page will be popped from the stack.

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Xamarin.Forms Shell Quick Tip - Easy Back Navigation
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