It is doubtlessly a rapidly changing field, and the only chance to remain an in-demand specialist is to always be in the know of all changes and keep up with developing. That is why the coders who know two or more programming languages and are constantly expanding their knowledge base are especially wanted among employers.

Because knowing several programming languages is trendy today and I am often approached by my students with questions like “How long does it take to learn Java if I know JavaScript?”, I’ve decided to write an article covering that topic.

Why Should You Master Java if You Already Know JavaScript?

Choosing the language to switch to is sometimes tricky, and coders are often looking for proof that the switch is worth making their effort. To facilitate your choice of the right language, I’ve collected some evidence on why Java is a good way to go if you already have JavaScript mastered.

#javascript #java #learning

Is it Easy to Learn Java if You Already Know JavaScript?
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