Hello guys, In the past, I have shared some of the best online training courses to learn Microsoft Excel in general, while those resources are great for beginners, and all kinds of IT professionals they don’t go in-depth on some of the most potent Excel features like Macros, VBA, and all sorts of charts which help in Data Visualization.

These are the features that make Excel a powerful tool for Automation and Data Visualization, an essential skill of today’s data-heavy world. The programming power added by VBA can also significantly help your Data Analysis by much automatic time consuming and tedious tasks, and that’s why it’s essential to learn these features to fully unlock Microsoft Excel’s potential.

I have been using Microsoft Excel for close to 20 years now, but if you ask me, I am still a beginner. Excel basic XLS features like filtering, sorting, grouping, removing duplicates, doing VLOOKUP, I don’t know much.

Yes, I can also whip out some charts like PIE charts, Line charts, and some graphs when I really need it, but it’s not very easy for me, and I have to struggle a lot and do a lot of google searches to pull that.

Since data analysis has become a more significant part of my work, I had to hone my Excel skills and decided to invest some time and money to improve my knowledge of Microsoft Excel. I wanted to see how experts are using Excel for automation and creating data visualization, and there was no better way than to learn from Experts.

My quest to learn advanced Excel features like Macros, VBA, Data Visualization, and charts like Pivot table brought me to these excellent courses on Udemy, which I am going to share with you now, in this article.

5 Best Courses to Learn Advanced Microsoft Excel Features

Here is my list of online training courses to learn some advanced Microsoft features like charting, VBA, Macros, and Data Visualizations. These are the ultimate best courses I have come across to learn advanced excel features, and all three instructors are very knowledgeable and great teachers.

So without wasting any more of your time, let’s dive into some of the best courses to learn Microsoft VBA, Macros, and other Data Visualization in 2020.

1. Unlock Excel VBA and Excel Macros

This is one of the most engaging online courses I have come across on learning Excel VBA and Macros. Leila Gharani, the instructor of this course, dynamically presents all crucial concepts. She took the lessons at an excellent pace, not slowing down too much in simple ideas, which makes other courses dull.

If you are looking to automate your work using Excel or want to enhance your current Excel files, then this is the right course for you. It has more than 22 hours of content, 27 articles, and more than 50 downloadable resources for practice.

The course also has quizzes, coding exercises, and some enjoyable real-world tasks to make your learning experience better. It also helps you to retain the knowledge you have learned; otherwise, it just becomes boring watching videos.

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5 Advanced Courses to learn Microsoft Excel
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