Remote work has many benefits for employers and employees. Analysis has reported greater levels of job satisfaction, less stress and higher productivity. Many employers have given feedback indicating improved retention, while also being able to reduce office expenses. Numerous employers have given feedback showing improved retention, while also being able to reduce office expenses. Despite these advantages, remote work also presents some challenges. On of them is- How to keep work related information secure when someone is accessing it at home? A survey found that entrepreneurs feel the risk for data breaches with remote work. However, proactively addressing security challenges by following the below steps will enable your team to work remotely without risking compromising your data.

Tips To Keep Your Data Secure While Everyone Works From Home–

  1. Ramp up user-training efforts-
    While criminal attacks are responsible for most of data breaks, human error is also a significant contributor to digital-security issues. An analysis found that 36 percent of all such cases were directly attributable to human error. Phishing messages are one of the most widely recognized threats facing employees, tricking them into clicking on fraudulent links that are intended to install malware or steal account information.

These hacking tricks can be very complex, even going so far as to imitate official communications from your organization or its partners. Since employees are working outside the workplace, you should ensure that they understand the dangers of phishing and other attacks. Instructing them to recognize fraudulent communications will keep numerous serious breaches from ever turning into an issue.

  1. Require two-factor authentication-
    Regardless of whether a work-issued PC is stolen or your employee uses the same password for work as they do for another account that has been compromised, there are endless roads that attackers can use to access employee information — even when your team is using advanced digital-security best practices. To avoid all this, many companies are requiring two-factor authentication when employees sign in to their accounts. Recently, “Two-factor authentication adds a layer of redundancy to ensure that only the actual account owner can access their account. The attacker can steal the employee’s password, but won’t have the phone that receives the verification code.

They definitely wouldn’t have a fingerprint which is used in some systems. Including one extra step to login process could make all the difference to keep hackers out. Two-factor authentication systems can also serve as a kind of alert when an unauthorized user is attempting to log in to an account. This will enable remote workers to know when they have to change their secret word or get in touch with you about a potential issue. This will help remote employees to know when they should change their password or contact you about a potential issue.

  1. Audit account-access restrictions-
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