Cloud native databases are on the rise. The technology landscape is now a hyperconnected environment where applications as micro-services are shared across multitude of devices and users. As more and more applications move to the cloud, they are looking for cloud native databases with micro-services architecture as their preferred backend to meet and leverage performance expectations.

451 Research states that cloud-native software is “designed from the ground up to take advantage of cloud computing architectures and automated environments, and to leverage API- driven provisioning, auto-scaling and other operational functions.” Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds.

Additionally, the accelerated adoption of Docker containers and Kubernetes orchestration as a de facto for applications and services management, has enabled loosely coupled systems to be automated, manageable, observable and robust. They provide scalability on demand and allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil. This gives IT departments and businesses the much-needed flexibility without incurring huge overheads with the ability to adapt to fast-changing needs. The adoption of containerization and orchestration is fueling the shift to cloud-native applications and microservices-based architectures.

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Cloud native databases — Why the hype?
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