We are going to build the Minesweeper game functionality with vanilla JavaScript using recursion



  • 0:00 - Brad’s Intro
  • 0:50 - Ania’s Intro
  • 1:11 - Recursion explainer
  • 04:06 - Setting up our HTML
  • 04:10 - Styling our Grid in CSS
  • 07:20 - Setting up our JavaScript usng the DOM EventListener
  • 08:47 - Creating our Board using .createElement() and .appendChild()
  • 16:57 - Adding numbers to the board using Modulus and .contains()
  • 25:21 - Checking what is under a Square usng .getAttribute() .innerHTML and .add()
  • 31:33 - Checking neighbouring squares using recursion and setTimeout
  • 42:56 - Adding flags to squares with a left click
  • 44:46 - Checking for wins

#javascript #game-development

Build Minesweeper with JavaScript
1.60 GEEK