IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 has a huge number of features to make being a Java developer easier, such as:

Java 15:

- Records - Local Static Records, Interfaces and Enum Classes.

- Sealed Classes

- Text blocks


- Better stream autocompletion

- Scopes for Introduce Variable Refactoring

- Improved Stack trace navigation for ClassCastException and NullPointerException - Filter for Data Flow to Here analysisIntentions: - Intentions preview

- New intentions Live Templates for Java and GroovyInspections:

- Structural Search and Replace inspections

- New inspections widget

- Problems View


- Related problems in the editor

- Fix problems from the window


- Full GitHub Pull Requests support

- Improved Git actions dialogs

- Improved Compare branches action

- Squash local commits from the log

- Support for Git installed in WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux)


- Improved HPROF memory viewer

- Jakarta EE 9

- Glassfish 6 support


IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 for Java Developers (2020)
1.85 GEEK