Having your icon on customer home screens it a key engagement feature.

Progressive Web Applications can launch just like a native app once they are installed or added to the homescreen.

The good news is PWA Add to Homescreen is available in all browsers on all platforms. However  Browser and operating system user experience and capabilities are fragmented.

At the same time each browser and OS update can and do change the process and capabilities.

This makes it difficult to manage as a developer and brand manager.

After creating hundreds of PWAs I have confronted this fragmentation. I am going to share some important details about what you can expect with the add to homescreen feature.

Plus you can use my Add to Homescreen library to help you negotiate all the platform volatility.

Business stakeholders love the ability for PWAs to earn a place on a visitor’s home screen or desktop. This is because it signals customer engagement. This means they are more likely to purchase your products and services.

Adding your PWA icon on the home screen represents the penultimate moment where a covalent bond is forged between the brand and customer.


What You Need to Know about PWA Add to Homescreen
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