After numerous requests to produce a Flutter and MongoDB combo, I’ve devoted the time to produce a fullstack Flutter and MongoDb Cloud mini-course. We will build a contacts list application that manages contacts in MongoDB Cloud Atlas database. We will also implement a Dart backend server for talking to MongoDB datastore. This app will be built for both Flutter mobile and web platforms.
Getting started
You will need a MongoDB Cloud Account to create a Project and Cluster. This will give us an environment with MongoDB installed and a user to connect to that MongoDB instance.
The contents of the mini-course are as follows:
00:07 App Demo
02:08 Setup MongoDB Cloud Atlas Project and Cluster
03:18 Connect to MongoDB Cluster via Terminal
04:32 Examine codebase and dependencies
05:13 Connect to MongoDB from codebase
06:14 Create server and initial route
07:30 Add POST and DELETE endpoints
09:59 Implement initial contacts screen
11:44 Implements “No contacts” view
13:41 Implement contact addition functionality
14:59 Style ListTile widget
16:22 Refactor NoContacts widget
17:01 Create ContactListing widget
18:20 Using the Faker package
18:53 Adding contact deletion functionality
20:07 Implements ContactsApi class
23:26 Create Contact PODO
28:21 Implement contact creation method on api class
29:51 Running app on Flutter Web
Clone and check out the starter branch on the Github repo. This will provide the correct setup to follow along in the Fullstack Flutter and MongoDB Cloud mini-course.

#dartlang #flutter-app-development #full-stack #mongodb-atlas #flutter-web

Fullstack Flutter and MongoDB Cloud Mini-Course | FREE TO WATCH!!!
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