Xamarin forms two times binding a list view using MVVM

I tried in either of the ways to bind 2 list views using MVVVM but, couldn't able to do that. While I'm calling 2 property with same API with 2 different models, it is asking me to call await function. But I want both the property to fetch API at a time.

namespace Grading.ViewModel
    public class GradingViewModel
        private ObservableCollection<GradingModel> items;
    public ObservableCollection&lt;GradingModel&gt; Items
        get { return items; }
            items = value;

    public GradingViewModel()
        Items = new ObservableCollection&lt;GradingModel&gt;()

        MyHTTP.GetAllNewsAsync(list =&gt;
            foreach (GradingModel item in list)


    public Details()
        Items = new ObservableCollection&lt;Details&gt;()

        MyHTTP.GetAllNewsAsync(list =&gt;
            foreach (Details info in list)




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