Toggle Element With Smooth CSS3 Transitions


A Promise-based, jQuery-reminiscent collection of functions to help hide and show elements in a sliding fashion.

Under the Hood

This library relies on CSS animations to perform the transitions, but doesn’t require elements to have fixed heights. Instead, element heights are calculated based on their contents and padding (if applicable), and then the appropriate values are then applied to trigger a native transition. In all, slide-element comes in at under 1kb gzipped.


npm install slide-element


Make sure your target element is set to display: none, whether that’s with a class or inline style.


Toggling Elements

Use the toggle function to slide an element open & closed based on its current state.

import { toggle } from "slide-element";

document.getElementById("button").addEventListener("click", (e) => {

Sliding Elements Down

Use the down function to slide an element open.

import { down } from "slide-element";


Sliding Elements Up

Use the up function to slide an element closed, and then set its display property to none.

import { up } from "slide-element";


Everything’s a Promise

Each of the functions provided return promises, so you can easily wait to perform an action after an animation is complete. The resolved value will be a boolean indicating if the element has just been opened (true) or closed (false).

import { toggle } from "slide-element";

toggle(document.getElementById("someElement")).then((opened) => {
  console.log("toggling is done!");

Customizing the Animation

Each function accepts an object to control how the sliding animation executes. You can set your own duration and timingFunction values.

import { up } from "slide-element";

const anElement = document.getElementById("anElement");

up(anElement, { duration: 0.5, timingFunction: "linear" });


Option Type Description Default
duration number The speed of the transition in seconds. .25
timingFunction string The CSS timing function used to define the style of transition. ease

Usage w/o a Bundler

If you’d like to use slide-element directly in the browser via CDN, simply load the code, and then reference the function you’d like to use on the global SlideElement object:

<script src="./dist/slide-element.min.js"></script>
  document.getElementById('someElement').addEventListener('click', (e) => {


toggle(node[, options]), up(node[, options]), down(node[, options]),

Param Type Description
node Node A single HTML node to be slid open or closed
options object Options to customize sliding animation.


Go for it. Just send a PR.

Download Details:

Author: alexmacarthur


Source Code:

#css #css3 #javascript

Toggle Element With Smooth CSS3 Transitions
3.10 GEEK