Quantifying culture. This term might seem obscure or even make you wonder, how can we measure such an intangible asset as company culture?

This question was probably asked many times by entrepreneurs, leaders and HR managers in the past. But only with the rising role of data, we are now closer to answering it properly_._

A plethora of the latest HR tech apps is based on the use of data and AI mechanisms. Start-ups collect, analyze and utilize great deals of data to provide business leaders and HR managers with actionable insights. They use data to actually quantify soft aspects of business, e.g culture.

That’s what Bunch.ai is doing. Operating on the bleeding edge of HR tech, Bunch aims to not only measure, but also improve culture with their real-time tool analyzing team communication. The Berlin-Based startup has recently raised $1.5 million seed round and plans to expand into the US market.

Its co-founders agreed to tell me more about operating in the data-based world, measuring culture and a never-ending dilemma of finding culture fit vs. achieving diversity in the workplace.

#hr tech #business #culture

HR Tech Expert Series: Managing Company Culture with Data— Bunch.ai
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