Create Yolo v5 custom object detection model to recognize road signs into different categories. It is customizable, based on requirements we can customize the yolo model

Custom Object Detection with YOLO V5

Object detection is one of the most common tasks of computer vision. It is the basis of understanding and working with the scene.

From simple applications like identifying objects to complex tasks like self-driving cars all make use of object detection for understanding different scenarios and making decisions based on them. Security cameras and even modern-day smartphones all have these capabilities built-in with them for various tasks.

What is Object Detection

  • The task of knowing what’s present in an image is classification.
  • The task of knowing where a certain thing is present in an image is localization
  • Finally, the task of knowing what is present in the screen and also where it is present is known as object detection. You can call it the combination of both image classification and localization.

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Custom Object Detection with YOLO V5
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