Machine learning is a discipline full of frictions and tradeoffs but none more important like the balance between accuracy and interpretability. In principle, highly accurate machine learning models such as deep neural networks tend to be really hard to interpret while simpler models like decision trees fall short in many sophisticated scenarios. Conventional machine learning wisdom tell us that accuracy and interpretability are opposite forces in the architecture of a model but its that always the case? Can we build models that are both highly performant and simple to understand? An interesting answer can be found in a paper published by researchers from IBM that proposes a statistical method for improving the performance of simpler machine learning models using the knowledge from more sophisticated models.

Finding the right balance between performance and interpretability in machine learning models is far from being a trivial endeavor. Psychologically, we are more attracted towards things we can explain while the homo- economicus inside us prefers the best outcome for a given problem. Many real world data science scenarios can be solved using both simple and highly sophisticated machine learning models. In those scenarios, the advantages of simplicity and interpretability tend to outweigh the benefits of performance.

#2020 sep tutorials # overviews #accuracy #deep learning #interpretability

A Deep Learning Dream: Accuracy and Interpretability in a Single Model
1.15 GEEK