Before the arrival of ES6 or EcmaScript 6 released in 2015, as a Javascript developer, you could only declare variables using the var keyword.
Now things has changed and two new keywords have been introduced to meet the developers needs who felt the old one way solution very tight for the modern web app requirements.
In this article I will try to explain you in the simplest way possible, the differences between var, let and const type variables.
I think the best way to do this is to try to extrapolate the essence of their nature by describing them in few words followed by examples which gives you the confirmation and consolidation of what you learned in the theory.
Like many other programming languages, JavaScript has variables. I talk you through var, let and const, and how they differ from each other with the use of some simple examples.

#javascript #var #let #const #programming

JavaScript Variables Explained. Var, Let and Const with examples.
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