We are pleased to announce the release of beta versions for StorageEvent HubsService Bus, and Event Grid Functions extensions, following the new Azure SDK guidelines. This post will highlight a few new features of the libraries. We encourage you to try out the libraries and provide feedback before they go GA!

New Features

Secretless configuration

Storage, Event Hubs, and Service Bus extensions now support secretless configuration via Azure Active Directory. This allows your function app to authenticate with these services without providing a connection string as part of your function config. Here is how the configuration works for each library in the Application settings section of your function app in the portal. More details on configuring application settings for Functions apps can be found here.

Similar configuration is possible when running locally by modifying the local.settings.json file. In the local experience, you may run into a warning about missing connection strings in your _local.settings.json_ file when using secretless configuration. This will be fixed prior to the GA of the extensions.

General setup

For all of the extensions being discussed, you will need to set the AzureWebJobsStorage setting to use a general-purpose storage account as this is required by the Functions runtime.

#azure sdk #azure functions #blob storage

Introducing the new Azure Function Extension Libraries **Beta**
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