A universal headless Pressable component for React Native, Next.js



To use @gluestack-ui/pressable, all you need to do is install the @gluestack-ui/pressable package:

$ yarn add @gluestack-ui/pressable

# or

$ npm i @gluestack-ui/pressable


By providing access to hover, pressed, and focus events, Pressable serves as a more flexible alternative to buttons at a lower level of abstraction. It is a useful primitive for advanced customization needs. Here's an example how to use this package to create one:

import Root from './Root';
import { createPressable } from '@gluestack-ui/pressable';
export const Pressable = createPressable({ Root });

Customizing the Pressable:

Default styling of all these components can be found in the components/core/pressable file. For reference, you can view the source code of the styled Pressable components.

// import the styles
import { Root } from '../components/core/pressable/styled-components';

// mapping the Pressable to root component
const Pressable = Root;

// using the Pressable component
export default () => (
    <Text />

More guides on how to get started are available here.

Download details:

Source: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@gluestack-ui/pressable


#react #typescript #javascript #nextjs 

A universal headless Pressable component for React Native, Next.js
1.05 GEEK