JavaScript DOM Crash Course
Topics covered in this video :
➡️ Creating Element
➡️ Accessing Element
➡️ Using Property of Element
➡️ CSS Manipulation of Element
➡️ Using Attribute to invoke Property right way
➡️ Dynamically Adding Elements to DOM
➡️ Accessing Element using CSSOM Selector (ie querySelector)

This crash course focuses on the DOM WITHOUT JQUERY. In this part we will talk about what the JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model) is and we will look at the different selectors like

➡️ document.getElementById()
➡️ document.getElementsByClassName()
➡️ document.getElementsByTagName()
➡️ document.querySelector()
➡️ document.querySelectorAll()

We will also look at how to change content and styles via these selectors
Element object represents an HTML element.
Element is the most general base class from which all element objects (i.e. objects that represent elements) in a Document inherit.
It only has methods and properties common to all kinds of elements

Abbreviation : Document Object Model (DOM)
JavaScript DOM Tutorial
The DOM is a programming API for HTML and XML documents .

It defines the logical structure of documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated . and this logical structure can be expressed as tree

What is DOM
DOM stands for Document Object Model. When a browser loads a web page, the browser creates a Document Object Model of that page.

In simple terms you can think of the DOM as an application programming interface (API) for HTML, and we can use programming languages like JavaScript, or JavaScript frameworks like Angular to access and manipulate the HTML using their corresponding DOM objects.

In other words DOM contains the HTML elements as objects, their properties, methods and events and it is a standard for accessing, modifying, adding or deleting HTML elements.

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document object model in html,
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document object model in hindi,
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Understanding DOM | Getting Deep into DOM | Document Object Model
1.70 GEEK