An explanation of service models and why they are structured the way they are

Your first approach to the Cloud may be very confusing. The Cloud is gigantic, and there is not only ONE Cloud, but many viable choices in the market. Soon or late, if you decide to become a programmer, you will need to start learning how to work in ONE Cloud, or, if you are unlucky, many different Clouds depending on the requests of your client.

In this article, before even explaining what are the four main service models (IAAS, PAAS, FAAS, SAAS), I will first explain in a low-resolution perspective what is the Cloud, how it is structured, and why it is structured this way; only then I can finally explain what are service models in a way you can easily understand them. If you are, however, eager to find out about them, you can scroll to the end of the article.

The Cloud

The Cloud is a must-know tool in the curriculum of every programmer, not only of data scientists. Expect to be asked about your experience with at least one Cloud and several of its tools for every interview. The Cloud is a marketplace belonging to one company (usually a Tech Giant) where you can use a myriad of services for almost every programming task you need. Although your first-year subscription will likely be free (depending on the Cloud you chose), you will need to pay a monthly subscription after it has expired. The biggest clouds are:

  • AWS_Amazon Web Services
  • GCP_Google Cloud Platform
  • Oracle Cloud
  • Azure Cloud (Microsoft)
  • IBM Cloud
  • Alibaba Cloud

#paas #iaas #saas #faas #cloud

What Are Cloud IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, FAAS, And Why We Use Them
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