Cloudflare Workers® is one of the largest, most widely used edge computing platforms. We announced Cloudflare Workers nearly three years ago and it’s been generally available for the last two years. Over that time, we’ve seen hundreds of thousands of developers write tens of millions of lines of code that now run across Cloudflare’s network.

Just last quarter, 20,000 developers deployed for the first time a new application using Cloudflare Workers. More than 10% of all requests flowing through our network today use Cloudflare Workers. And, among our largest customers, approximately 20% are adopting Cloudflare Workers as part of their deployments. It’s been incredible to watch the platform grow.

Over the course of the coming week, which we’re calling Serverless Week, we’re going to be announcing a series of enhancements to the Cloudflare Workers platform to allow you to build much more complicated applications, lower your serverless computing bills, make your applications even faster, and prove that the Workers platform is secure to its core.

Matthew’s Hierarchy of Developers’ Needs

Before the week begins, I wanted to step back and talk a bit about what we’ve learned about edge computing over the course of the last three years. When we launched Cloudflare Workers we thought the killer feature was speed. Workers run across the Cloudflare network, closer to end users, so they inherently have faster response times than legacy, centralized serverless platforms.

However, we’ve learned by watching developers use Cloudflare Workers that there are a number of attributes to a development platform that are far more important than just speed. Speed is the icing on the cake, but it’s not, for most applications, an initial requirement. Focusing only on it is a mistake that will doom edge computing platforms to obscurity.

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The Edge Computing Opportunity: It’s Not What You Think
1.45 GEEK