A ReactJS Circular Menu


A ReactJS circular menu

Build the example

yarn build

And open the file examples/dist/index.html


Just install the component, and include it to your project ! Of course, you also can clone the repository and copy the sources to your project.

npm install react-radial-menu --save

yarn add react-radial-menu


import React, { Component } from "react"
import RadialMenu from "react-radial-menu"

const items = [
	{"href":"http://www.facebook.com", "image":"url(examples/dist/images/social/facebook.png)"},
	{"href":"http://www.reddit.com", "image":"url(examples/dist/images/social/reddit.png)"},
	{"href":"http://www.flickr.com", "image":"url(examples/dist/images/social/flickr.png)"},
	{"href":"http://www.google.com", "image":"url(examples/dist/images/social/googleplus.png)"},
	{"href":"http://www.linkedin.com", "image":"url(examples/dist/images/social/linkedin.png)"},
	{"href":"http://www.twitter.com", "image":"url(examples/dist/images/social/twitter.png)"},
	{"href":"http://www.twitter.com", "image":"url(examples/dist/images/social/twitter.png)"}

const center = {
	"image": "url(examples/dist/images/social/share.png)"

export default class App extends Component {
    render() {
        const {items, center} = this.props
        return <RadialMenu

module.exports = App;

React.render(<App/>, document.body);


When you construct your items list, you can pass some options to customize it.

RadialMenu options :

  • center: central menu item
  • items: circular menu items
  • duration: duration of the opening animation (ms)
  • stagger: duration of the staggering for your animation (ms)
  • itemsSize : width/height of all your menu items
  • easing : easing of the opening animation
  • distance : distance between the central item and the circular menu items - optional if you want to let react-radial-menu sort it for you !

Item options :

  • href : link for you menu item
  • image : image displayed by your item. If you don’t use it, react-radial-menu will display a circular div instead and use a label attribute (experimental).

Help me to improve it !

Contact me if you want to report bugs, or suggest improvements. Contributions are also welcome !


Live demo: https://antho2407.github.io/react-radial-menu/

Download Details:

Author: Antho2407

Demo: https://antho2407.github.io/react-radial-menu/

Source Code: https://github.com/Antho2407/react-radial-menu

#react #reactjs #javascript

A ReactJS Circular Menu
18.40 GEEK