12 React Native Keyboard Component Example

React Native Inline Keyboard

Inline keyboard for React Native TV Applications

"React Native Inline Keyboard"

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Rn Keyboard Sticky View

Add your own component inside this lightweight KeyboardStickyView, whether it be TextInput, Buttons, or who knows what! Supports both Android and iOS.

This component accomplishes the desired outcome using KeyboardAvoidingView provided by react-native, without the complicated animation code.

"Rn Keyboard Sticky View"

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React Native Virtual Keyboard

Software/virtual numeric keyboard, which can be used instead of Android/iOS ones if it suits your app style better.

"React Native Virtual Keyboard"

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React Native On Screen Keyboard

A React Native component onscreen keyboard for React Native that displays an onscreen keyboard and puts the input into a TextInput component.

"React Native On Screen Keyboard"

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React Native Keyboard Accessory

A React Native Keyboard Accessory (View, Navigation) Component. Sticky views on keyboard.

"React Native Keyboard Accessory"

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React Native Android Keyboard Adjust

Change the input mode for the Android keyboard in a React Native app.

If you are having issues with the default keyboard screen adjust modes and need an easy way to instantly switch them in your app. Quickly go from Pan to Resize to Nothing to get the screen displayed perfectly with the keyboard.

"React Native Android Keyboard Adjust"

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React Native Hide With Keyboard

Wrap around components to hide them if keyboard is up Devices screen are small especially when the keyboard takes half the space, when you’re working with forms for instance.
One of the best way to handle that is to hide part of the view when the keyboard shows up.

"React Native Hide With Keyboard"

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React Native Keyboard Tracking View

A react native UI component that enables “keyboard tracking" for this view and it’s sub-views. Would typically be used when you have a TextInput inside this view.

"React Native Keyboard Tracking View"

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React Native Keyboard Input

Presents a React component as an input view which replaces the system keyboard. Can be used for creating custom input views such as an image gallery, stickers, etc.

Supports both iOS and Android

"React Native Keyboard Input"

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React Native Keyboardevents

Keyboard events for react-native

"React Native Keyboardevents"

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React Native Keyboard Spacer

Plug and play iOS react-native keyboard spacer view.

"React Native Keyboard Spacer"

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React Native Keyboard Manager

Library to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover inputs on React-Native iOS projects.

"React Native Keyboard Manager"

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12 React Native Keyboard Component Example
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