Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to AlexNet
  2. Walkthrough of AlexNet’s Architecture
  3. Training of AlexNet
  4. Summary of AlexNet

1. Introduction to AlexNet

AlexNet was a deep neural network that was developed by Alex Krizhevsky and others in 2012. It was designed to classify images for the ImageNet LSVRC-2010 competition, where it achieved state of the art results [1]. It also worked with multiple GPUs. The AlexNet model contained 11 layers, they were:

  1. Layer C1: Convolution Layer (96, 11×11)
  2. Layer S2: Max Pooling Layer (3×3)
  3. Layer C3: Convolution Layer (256, 5×5)
  4. Layer S4: Max Pooling Layer (3×3)
  5. Layer C5: Convolution Layer (384, 3×3)
  6. Layer C6: Convolution Layer (384, 3×3)
  7. Layer C7: Convolution Layer (256, 3×3)
  8. Layer S8: Max Pooling Layer (3×3)
  9. Layer F9: Fully-Connected Layer (4096)
  10. Layer F10: Fully-Connected Layer (4096)
  11. Layer F11: Fully-Connected Layer (1000)

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Understanding AlexNet: A Detailed Walkthrough
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