Over the past few months I’ve found myself spinning up tons of new servers and walking through the process of pushing express apps live.

Because this process always comes at unexpected times, I’ve never bothered documenting the steps it takes to get a blank box running express. Surprisingly it seems as though few have bothered to walk through every step involved in a single place, and most express tutorials contain outdated information which likely leads to headaches for newcomers.

I’ll be walking through an ExpressJS setup with the tech I always opt for.


  • NodeJS & NPM
  • Nginx
  • ExpressJS
  • Express-Generator
  • Sass/LESS
  • Handlebars
  • PM2
  • Grunt

Installing Dependencies

Prep your server by installing the latest updates:

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get upgrade -y

#nodejs #expressjs #javascript

Starting an ExpressJS App
1.60 GEEK