If your website is hosted on a regular web hosting service, you already know that over time, your site gradually slows down.

As your website traffic increases, your hosting costs pile up, and you’ll have to pay for the additional services to backup and secure your valuable site data. You will have an additional cost for caching and optimizing images.

However, large images and media files can still drastically reduce your site’s performance, not to mention the increasing expense on your site.

Cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or DigitalOcean offer you the opportunity to get all the mentioned benefits above

One way to avoid this extra expense while still getting a faster website is to use reliable cloud storage to serve media files.

Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and DigitalOceans are few of the reliable storage you can use to help you get a better website without wasting any money.

In this guide, I have discussed why you should use Cloud storage, what are the best Cloud services, and how to offload your site data to the Cloud and serve them to your site.

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How To Offload WordPress Media Files To Cloud And Increase Loading Speed
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