When writing code, it’s hardly sometimes that our code executes successfully in the first run. And then, after every execution failure of the code, we dive into the error log to find where the bug resides. Unfortunately, we end up spending more time on resolving bugs than what is actually needed. And this has been really common in the case of JavaScript.

As developers, we ensure code quality with the help of unit and functional testing. We can complement these test plans with  static analysis through which we can now check the code before its execution to assess its quality and its adherence to coding standards. Static analysis helps us find the issues in our code that we humans can’t always spot by ourselves and thus, ensures code quality throughout the project along with maintaining developer efficiency.

Today, we are really excited to launch continuous static analysis for JavaScript, detecting 470+ issues, like bug risks, anti-patterns, performance and style issues.

Supported Frameworks and Language Standards

  • All the versions of ECMAScript (ES3, ES5, ES2015 - ES2020)
  • React JSX
  • TypeScript
  • All major module systems ( CommonJS, ES modules and AMD)
  • Popular JavaScript style guides ( Airbnb,  Google and  Standard)

#javascript #deepsource

DeepSource JavaScript analyzer lands in beta
4.00 GEEK