Bu videoda BenchmarkDotnet aracını kullanarak Net5 ve .Net Core 3.1 üzerinde test yaptık. Hem bu kullanışlı araçtan hem de Net5 ten bahsettiğimiz videoda ortaya çıkan sonuçların analizlerini de yaptık.

In this video, we tested on Net5 and .Net Core 3.1 using the BenchmarkDotnet tool. We also analyzed the results of this instant tool and the video that we talked about Net5.

BenchmarkDotNet: https://benchmarkdotnet.org/articles/guides/choosing-run-strategy.html

C# Span: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2018/january/csharp-all-about-span-exploring-a-new-net-mainstay

Manuel Conversion (String to Integer): https://www.codeproject.com/Questions/51306/convert-string-to-integer-in-C-without-library-fun

#BenchmarkDotnet #NET5 #NetCore3
#blazor #docker #dotnet

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BenchmarkDotnet | NET5 Performance | NET5 vs NetCore
1.20 GEEK