Migrating from PHP to JavaScript programming has benefits that can improve both frontend and backend performance.

After reading the title, you must be wondering, “Why are you migrating to from PHP to JavaScript in the first place? And why is it important to write an article about it?” Well, as a PHP developer, switching from PHP to JavaScript was a big move for me — and a difficult one, too.

I had to find a JavaScript framework I could relate with — one example being AdonisJs because it had the same MVC (model, view, controller) architecture as Laravel. From there, I gradually moved on to other frameworks, studying the syntax and adapting to the enormous differences between PHP and JavaScript.

One of the big reasons I started using JavaScript was because I wanted to improve my frontend skills. The language also supports client-side programming, and the JavaScript ecosystem is by far one of the largest — you can literally find any solution to anything if you use the right keywords. (Stack Overflow is still my main source for solving problems, though !

So why JavaScript? Why not any other language?

So at first, I had many other options, ranging from Ruby and Python to Swift and so many others. But the big reasons I settled on JavaScript are its flexibility, its easy interactions with JSON formats, and, of course, its DOM manipulation capabilities. Its wide range of use cases was also attractive — things like building web, mobile, and desktop applications, creating 3D games, and others too numerous to mention.

Unlike PHP, JavaScript supports building for mobile, web, and desktop applications alike, and it does this effectively thanks to the fact that it allows developers to plug in so many external files that work asynchronously to give you the best results.

The JavaScript community is another big reason. It is broad and active, and you can choose basically any programming pattern and get the support you need. For example, are you a strict programmer? Well, you can work with TypeScript. I can keep going with the reasons, but let’s keep it short.

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Getting Started with JavaScript for PHP Developers
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