Throughout this tutorial, we’ll see how we can implement file and image upload in Django 3, Django REST Framework and Angular 10 with a step by step example.

Our application will expose an /upload REST API endpoint that accepts POST requests which contain the image file posted with a multipart/form-data content type via FormData.

For the frontend, we’ll be using Angular 10 to create a simple interface that allows the user to select a file or image and upload it to the server via a POST request using HttpClient and FormData.

In the first section, we’ll create the Django 3 REST API application and use a REST API client to test the upload endpoint. Next, in the second part, we’ll proceed to create a frontend application with Angular 10 for uploading the image to the REST API server using HttpClient and FormData.

#angular #django

Angular 10 and Django 3 Image Files Upload with FormData
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