GraphQL is a query language and server-side runtime for API that prioritize and give the data exactly requested. GraphQL is designed to make APIs fast, flexible, and developer-friendly.

GraphQL is language-independent, so in ruby, we can implement using the graphql gem. This gives us a specific file structure and command-line tools to easily add GraphQL functionality to our Rails API.

In this tutorial, I will explain how to integrate GraphQL with Ruby On Rails Application.

Setting up a Rails App

we can create new rails application to firing the following command on terminal,

$ rails new graphql-rails --api

Change the directory to the newly created rails application and create the Author and Article model.

$ cd graphql-rails

$ rails g model author name:string bio:string

$ rails g model article title:string description:text author:references

Now we can add the association and validation to the models


class Author < ApplicationRecord

has_many :articles

validates :name, presence: true



class Article < ApplicationRecord

belongs_to :author

validates :title, :description, presence: true


Using $ rake db:create we can create the database and $ rake db:migrate will create the table inside the database. Once migration is completed we can add a few data to our database. Add the following object into db/seeds.rb file


author1 = Author.create(name: ‘Arjunan’, bio: ‘Ruby developer’)

author2 = Author.create(name: ‘David’, bio: ‘Angular developer’)


title: ‘Basics of Ruby Programming’,

description: ‘This article is related to ruby programming’,

author: author1



title: ‘How to create Angular application’,

description: ‘This article is related to Angular App’,

author: author2


Running the $ rake db:seed on the rails app root directory to add the data to the database.

#ruby on rails #graphql #ror #apis #angular app

Building APIs with ROR and GraphQL
2.65 GEEK