If you have an information-rich website or application, you might want to visualize your data so that users can better make sense of it. Although tables can be quite useful in certain cases such as pricing and feature comparison tables, other kind of information is easier to process with the help of some kind of data visualization. JavaScript libraries such as Chart.js let you generate different types of HTML5 charts such as line, bar, pie, doughnut, and area charts.

Chart.js is a versatile library that let you create JavaScript charts in a couple of minutes. It has many options with which you can configure all aspects of your charts. In this tutorial, we will look into how to set up the Chart.js library, what your options are, and what you can achieve with it. We will also create two charts: a bar chart showing life expectancy in six countries and a doughnut/pie chart showing the recommended daily diet.

#javascript #chart.js

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