In this report, experts from Fritz AI and Spell dive headfirst into a burgeoning sector of the larger AI and machine learning (ML) industry — mobile machine learning. As AI and ML models have become more powerful, more predictive, and more optimized, we’ve seen increasing attention paid to where these models should ultimately be deployed.

By deploying to mobile platforms (i.e. iOS, Android, and Snapchat), engineers and development teams are able to move ML models closer to input data sources. This kind of deployment also unlocks a variety of benefits and cost reductions, both for end users and development teams.

This report will delve into these opportunities, barriers to entry, and the perceptions of industry leaders when it comes to this transformational technology. To help do this, we’ve collected survey data from 500 technical leaders across industries who have current or previous experience with mobile app development projects.

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New Industry Report: State of Mobile Machine Learning in 2020
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