Install, a Google Sheets add-on, from the the G Suite Marketplace:
This is image title

Open in the Add-ons tab of a spreadsheet, click on the +Add Importer button and choose JSON Client.

Fill out the “Title” field

This is image title

Name your importer.

Fill out the “JSON URL” field

This is image title

Insert the URL of the endpoint to import from. Check out the RESTful API documentation of the platform you need to export data from. The base URL for making an HTTP request usually looks like this:


Click Show advanced to set up optional parameters for your data source:

  • HTTP Method – you can pick an HTTP method for making a request based on the documentation of your data source platform. GET is the default method.
  • HTTP headers – you can apply specific HTTP headers for your request. For example, the Authorization header lets you specify credentials required to make an HTTP request.
  • URL query string – you can assign values to specified parameters.
  • Request body – if your request method is POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE, you can add data to your request to be sent to API. In the blog post, “Post Messages to Slack from Google Sheets“, you can check out what it looks like.
  • Fields – you can specify the fields (columns) to be imported to your spreadsheet.
  • Path – you can select nested objects from the JSON response.

Fill out the “Sheet name” field

This is image title
Type in the name of your sheet.

For more about additional fields and settings, check out this blog post.

Once you’ve completed those steps, click Save & Run to save the parameters and run the initial import right away.

#json #google #api

How to import JSON data from an HTTP API into Google Sheets
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