What is Tokemon (TKMN) | What is Tokemon token | What is TKMN token

What is Tokémon

Tokémon is a configurable token metrics insight and trading platform. It enables viewing the latest token metrics (token and trading stats) through a powerful realtime dashboard. The platform also features social platform notification bots, which will deliver you the latest insights. You can track tokens by various metrics (see Monitoring features for more info). We also enable social following - for example you can get digests from telegram groups and twitter tweets. Tokémon also enables trading services on decentralized exchanges (such as UniSwap) through a powerful bot, which main goal is to maximize your profits by using advanced trading strategies. The configurations for our tools are very modular. They’re designed to make the tools work as you require. Those are just some of our features. We’re in the process of developing and brainstorming more features (such as new tools and extending the current ones). Our plans are to align our thoughts with community’s requirements in order to make the platform as good as it can be.

How it works

Our tools provide a valuable data to you, by scanning and analyzing the underlying data sources in real time and summarizing the data. For example for our insights and trading tool we scan the Ethereum blockchain in real time, parse the block data and look for useful insights. For each block we summarize and store the useful information, match it with your configurations and notify you with insights/trading strategies. For the following tools, we listen for events on the social platforms according to your configuration.

How to use the platform

The only requirement for using the platform is holding certain amount of Tokemon tokens. The exact amount is dependent on the plan that you want to use. You can increase/decrease your token holdings for upgrading/downgrading your plan. If you’re not satisfied with the product, you can always trade the tokens on the Uniswap exchange. Currently there are no financial initiatives for holding the utility token (other than making profit if the token value increases), but there might be in the future.

Our Features

Detailed trading insights in real time

Insights such as price increase above certain threshold, price decrease below certain threshold, target value threshold from both directions. All of the thresholds are configurable, as well as minimum liquidity a pool holds, or if the token has verified contract. The insights are sent in real time to your telegram inbox.

Token stats

We have a Dashboard providing different trading token statistics such as token price fluctuations, liquidity fluctuations, top trading tokens, top tokens by value increase/decrease and much more. Get instant access links to charts, exchanges, wallet info and much more. Custom dashboards for the tokens on your following list are included too!

Configurable metrics

You’re able to configure the metrics from which the insights are derived from on a granular level. This allows you to track what is meaningful to you with great precision. You’re also able to select specific metrics for specific tokens. This helps derive even more value from the data, since not all of the tokens are the same.

Hình ảnh

Customized telegram notifications

Get telegram notifications for your insights, specific to the tokens you’ve configured. You can enable the time-tracking interval for each token (e.g. 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, …) and get notified only for that time interval.

Follow info from many sources

We know that you read hundreds of Telegram channels and Twitter handles, trying to feeed fresh info. We’ll follow that for you and notify you only for what’s important - you set the filters, we’ll send the news.

You sleep we trade

Tired of being dumped on, or missing a dip? Just set buy/sell orders and rest, Tokemon will do the job for you. You can also ride the volatility wave with trailing stop and trading buy algorithms.

Advanced trading

Use the composite bots to automate complex steps, like buy and immediately set stop loss and trailing stop loss, or continuosly sell a percent of your token stack at preset price point.

Fast and furious

Act immediately on a tokemon notification in telegram. Just reply to the message with the wanted action - for example reply with “safe ape 2 eth”. You don’t like how a token decreased by looking at a notification, reply with “sell all” and you’re done.

Ethereum Mempool

We are watching at the mempool too, and enable signals from there to be the starting point for some bot actions.

Test your parameters

There’s nothing like running regression tests of you bot parameters against past data to make sure you’re on the right track with the strategy. We’re offering all our past pricing data, you can use it to test your configured bot by filtering how many days in the past you’d like to sample data.

Looking for more information…

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What is Tokemon (TKMN) | What is Tokemon token | What is TKMN token
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