They say, first impression is the last! Yep, truly for any amazingly crafted application, it’s easier to start impressing your audience with a good start — the splash screen! In this article, I will walk you through steps on how add splash screens to your Flutter application.

Splash screens are used to provide engagements with your user till the app loads. This allows your app to set the app engine and load app processes to initialise. You may keep your splash screen simple with some solid colors and text added or you might add some images with customised animations. Having splash screens with your app logo and version number helps to add wait time till your engine / app process is set to launch.

iOS Splash Screen

Install Xcode if you haven’t already. All apps submitted to the Apple’s App Store  must use an Xcode storyboard to provide the app’s launch screen.

By default a blank image launch screen is added to your application which can be customised by you by adding your own assets. Find the default design at LaunchScreen.storyboard_ in your Xcode project._

To customise your splash screen, go to your project’s root directory. At the terminal type the following command : open ios/Runner.xcworkspace

Then select Runner/Assets.xcassets from the Project Navigator and drop in the desired images to the LaunchImage image set.

#flutter #app-development

How to Create Custom Splash Screens in Flutter
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