In this Django tutorial, I’ll explain why I believe a combination of React.js and the Django Rest Framework is superior to Django’s own built-in templating engine.

Why React + Django REST Framework Beats Native Django

In the modern web application development process, we can not rely on a single technology or language.

The web has become more interconnected and complex. Each technology, framework, and library have their strengths.

To build a viable web application in this interconnected world, we combine multiple technology stacks.

One of such popular combinations is React and Django.

Table of Contents

  • What is Django Framework?
  • What is React?
  • Why React + Django REST
    • Babel
    • Webpack
    • React Features
    • Components
    • Declarativity
    • Simplicity and Ecosystem
    • Compatibility
    • Django Features
    • Versatility
    • Security
    • Administration
    • Scalability and Portability
  • Application Architecture when utilizing React + Django
  • Final Thoughts

#django #react #web-development #python #javascript

Why React + Django REST Framework Beats Native Django
2.35 GEEK