This blog is about my first Kaggle Challenge. Hopefully, this blog will give you a good understanding of solving the classification problem.

Instacart is an American company that provides grocery delivery and pick-up service. The Company operates in the U.S and Canada. Instacart offers its services via a website and mobile app. Unlike another E-commerce website providing products directly from Seller to Customer. Instacart allows users to buy products from participating vendors. And this shopping is done by a Personal Shopper.


  1. Problem Overview
  2. Data Source
  3. Data Overview
  4. EDA
  5. Feature Engineering
  6. Modeling
  7. Future Work
  8. Reference

Problem Overview

The main objective of this competition was to predict which previously purchased products will be in the user’s next order.

The problem is a little different from the general recommendation problem, in this case, we are not recommending new products to the user instead of that we are going to recommend the product which is previously bought by that user. It is an interesting problem because here we need to find the user’s reordered behavior so we can personalize the user’s cart.

#kaggle-competition #binary-classification #recommendation-system #machine-learning

Instacart Market Basket Analysis (Kaggle Competition)
3.70 GEEK