GEPP - Developer’s Helper to K8s

GEPP takes your app and Dockerize it, sets up a Kubernetes cluster and runs your app in it, configure K8s resources and produce Terraform file for Azure deployments, and more! All are happening in seconds!


How and Why


  • Running Docker
  • file
  • app variable for WYSGI


docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $PWD:/project -e PROJECT_NAME=${PWD##*/} guray/gepp:0.1-alpha3


GEPP provides developers to easily run their apps as containerized apps in Kubernetes. Here is what it is aiming:

  • You run the tool in a directory with Python/Go/NodeJS code
  • It will generate a Dockerfile depending on the framework your code uses
  • It will generate YAMLs for Kubernetes deployment, pod autoscaling, service definitions (it will ask some questions like service type) + ingress
  • (optional) It can generate a plan for Terraform for your cloud provider for a K8s cluster and deploying your app (in JSON, using tfcdk)
  • (optional) It will insert environment variable, secretmap, configmaps to the generated YAML (interactively asks) - WIP
  • (optional) It can get storageclasses from your cluster and define some storage and insert it to your YAML - WIP
  • (optional) It can generate servicemonitor and podmonitor YAML files for Prometheus operator - WIP
  • (optional) It can generate network policies for some of the network providers - WIP

#devops tools #devops

GEPP takes your app and Dockerize it
1.20 GEEK