That’s right! Storage should be the first word that should come into your mind.

Before all of you bombard me as to how redux relates to a store let me give you some context.

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Every time you go on a website, you are probably accustomed to seeing some sort of data displaying on the screen and if the data is not ready, then a loading indicator is going to show up.

Well…what controls a lot of this behavior? That’s right! It’s redux. When the application calls an API to get some data for the browser, it notifies the redux that it is loading some sort of data. Afterward, the component that is connected to redux gets notified of a change in the global store, prompting it that the page is loading.

Once the page is done loading, you will probably modify the redux again, turning the loading variable back to false, indicating the data is successfully loaded onto the page.

#react #javascript #programming #redux-thunk #redux

What is Redux and how Data Flow within Redux
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