Announcing the R3 2020 release of our mocking framework JustMock, which includes support for .NET 5, improvements for the Azure Pipeline task, new improvements for the DebugView window and more.

Let me guide you through the new features and improvements that are coming with R3 2020 for Telerik JustMock.

.NET 5 = .NET Core vNext = Supported by JustMock

Microsoft claims that the future lies in .NET 5 as a next step in the development of .NET. By taking the best from .NET Core, .NET Framework and Xamarin it will produce a single .NET runtime and framework that can be used everywhere and has uniform runtime behaviors and developer experience. With the intention of providing you with the ability to use JustMock and .NET 5 as early as possible, we implemented preliminary support.

Net 5 and JustMock

Code Coverage Is Now Supported in JustMock Azure Pipeline Task for .NET Core

We know how important code coverage can be for the success of your project and having the ability to create a code coverage report within your CI/CD can be mandatory. With the latest release for 2020, by popular request, we’ve further developed JustMock Azure Pipeline Task to support Code Coverage for .NET Core. The new version of the extension is already uploaded, and the task will be automatically updated in your pipeline. If you would like to try it here is the link to the marketplace.

JustMock and Azure Pipeline

What’s New in JustMock with R3 2020
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