“No Road is long with Good Company.”- Turkish Proverb.

We cautiously select our friends, colleagues, and acquaintances because we know how important it is to be in a good company, and Social networking is no different.

We join groups on Facebook and LinkedIn; Pages on Twitter and Instagram to remain up to date with the emerging developments in Data Science, to ask questions related to our work, and to build connections.

We have analyzed the quality of these social groups, especially for Data Scientists on three parameters.

_1. Interaction: _How active the group members are in the group?

2. Content:_ What kind of content is exchanged in these groups?_

3. Moderation:_ Is the group free from potential spams and misleading advertisements and promotions?_

**Data Set: *The data is collected from the last 50 posts from each of the groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. All the groups with more than 50K members on Facebook and LinkedIn are taken into consideration. This data is collected from 24th August 2020 to 28th August 2020. The data is hosted at https://www.kaggle.com/shrashtisinghal/data-science-social-groups-survey

List of groups in the Survey:

Data Science Central

Data Mining, Statistics, Big Data, Data Visualization, AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science

Data Science — R & Python

Data Science World

Data Science

Machine Learning and Data Science

Big Data ▶️ Data Science | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Artificial Intelligence

Big Data, Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, IoT & Blockchain

Beginning Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Mining, R, Python

Data Science and Predictive Analytics News

#data-scientist #networking-tips #facebook #social-network #linkedin #data analysis

Best Groups To Join For Data Scientists
1.10 GEEK