Over the past two years at Magalix, we have focused on building our system, introducing new features, and scaling our infrastructure and microservices. During this time, we had a look at our Kubernetes clusters utilization and found it to be very low. We were paying for resources we didn’t use, so we started a cost-saving practice to increase cluster utilization, use the resources we already had and pay less to run our cluster.

In this article, I will discuss the top five techniques we used to better utilize our Kubernetes clusters on the cloud and eliminate wasted resources, thus saving money. In the end, we were able to cut our monthly bill by more than 50%!

  • Applying Workload Right-Sizing
  • Choosing The Right Worker Nodes
  • Autoscaling Workloads
  • Autoscaling Worker Nodes
  • Purchasing Commitment/Saving Plans

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Kubernetes: Monitoring, Reducing, and Optimizing Your Costs
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