Hey folks, what’s up? Let’s build up a server application using Spring Boot that is secured with Spring Security. Before that, the reason I’m writing this article is I struggled a lot in understanding the whole architecture of Spring Security and the token-based authentication when I started working on it and after successful output, I thought I can share this with everyone. So I’m creating this tutorial. And by the way, I’m not gonna explain the whole architecture here as the title says. So, if you wanna know about the architecture, I have given the official document link at the end of this blog. Feel free to provide the feedback and suggestions, if I had missed anything. Getting onto the topic, we’ll be using JWT**, **which is fast and stateless, and also has it’s equivalent disadvantages, as auth token to authenticate our clients.

Typically, this type of authentication mechanism will be used in Microservices architecture where the entire application is broken up into small and individual modules that work independently. Of course, they are inside the distributed network, and hence the common data among the services can be shared either via on-demand HTTP requests or using tools that support pub/sub technique like Apache Kafka. Alright, let’s get started.

#authentication #spring-security #java #jwt #spring-boot

How to Build a Token-based authentication server using Spring Boot and Spring Security
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