Now and then, when you click on a link on a website, the link will be opened in a new tab, but the old tab will also be redirected to some other phishing website where it asks you to login or starts downloading some malware to your device. In this blog post, I will explain how something like this is achieved, and how to easily prevent this from happening in your own websites.

We see values like

noopener,noreferrerandnofollowattached torelattribute ofanchor(<a>)tags. We usually see these values along withtarget=_blank. Many of us do not know what each of the value means, and what happens when we set or do not set any of the values. In this blog post, I will explain what these values mean, and also explain what set of values to use for anchor tags in your website.

#html #programming #privacy #hackernoon-top-story #noopener-vs-noreferrer #nofollow-vs-noreferrer #reverse-tabnabbing

Prevent Tabnabbing with The Appropriate Noopener, Noreferrer and Nofollow Attribution
1.05 GEEK