Person re-identification is an interesting and not completely solved task. It includes finding (localizing) a person in an image and creating a digital description (vector or embedding) for a photo of a particular person in a way that the distance to the vectors for other photos of a particular person is closer than to the vectors generated for photos of other people.

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Person re-identification is used in many tasks including visitor flow analysis in a shopping center, tracking people across cameras, finding a certain person in a huge amount of photos.

Many effective models and approaches have been created recently to address the re-identification tasks. Full list of those models can be found here. But even the best models are still faced with a lot of problems, such as variations in pose and viewpoints of people because of which the embeddings for a photo of a person from different angles will be too far from each other, and the system can decide that this is a photo of different people.

The latest state-of-the-art models, such as Viewpoint-Aware Loss with Angular Regularization for Person Re-Identification, are designed to deal with mentioned problems, but we at came up with a light approach that greatly simplifies the task of re-identification in some situations. I will talk about this approach in more detail.

Let’s start by explaining how most of the re-id frameworks detect photos of a particular person in the image. The most commonly used object detection models, such as Faster R-CNN or EfficientDet, are used to create a bounding box for the entire human body. After a photo for the entire human body is extracted, the embedding for this photo will be created.

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The problem is that object detection models often work even too well, they find photos of people from a variety of viewpoints and not always of the best quality. Embeddings based on these photos often do not allow correct re-identification of a person or are generated in such a way that embeddings for a photo of a particular person from one viewpoint will be close to embeddings for photos only from the same viewpoint, but not to embeddings for photos of the same person from a different viewpoint and distance.

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Improve person re-identification with face detection (FaceBoxes)
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