With possibly everything that one can think of which revolves around data, the need for people who can transform data into a manner that helps in making the best of the available data is at its peak. This brings our attention to two major aspects of data – data science and data analysis. Many tend to get confused between the two and often misuse one in place of the other. In reality, they are different from each other in a couple of aspects. Read on to find how data analysis and data science are different from each other.

Before jumping straight into the differences between the two, it is critical to understand the commonalities between data analysis and data science. First things first – both these areas revolve primarily around data. Next, the prime objective of both of them remains the same – to meet the business objective and aid in the decision-making ability. Also, both these fields demand the person be well acquainted with the business problems, market size, opportunities, risks and a rough idea of what could be the possible solutions.

Now, addressing the main topic of interest – how are data analysis and data science different from each other.

As far as data science is concerned, it is nothing but drawing actionable insights from raw data. Data science has most of the work done in these three areas –

  • Building/collecting data
  • Cleaning/filtering data
  • Organizing data

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How Are Data analysis and Data science Different From Each Other
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