JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages for web programming.

In this article, we’ll look at the basic syntax of modern JavaScript.

  • Spread Operator
    We can use the spread operator to add properties from other objects to an object.

  • Destructuring Nested Objects
    We can destructure nested objects into variables.

  • Exponent Operator
    We can use the exponent operator to do exponentiation.

  • Promises with finally
    We can call finally to run code regardless of the result of a promise.

  • if-else
    We can use a if-else to write code that runs conditionally.

  • Switch Statement
    We can use the switch statement to check for more than one case and run code if the value matches.

  • Assign Variables
    We can assign variables with let

  • Strict Mode
    We can add 'use strict' to our code to make us write better JavaScript code.

  • Values
    JavaScript has some values like booleans


JavaScript Cheat Sheet — Spread, Variables, and Conditionals
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